Greg Bales

Iowa State Fair

The Iowa State Fair begins today! I have no plans to go this year—G is a little too young to appreciate or enjoy it. But I love the fair. They no longer run locomotives into each other headlong, but with the crowds, ag exhibits, food on sticks, concerts, and civic demonstrations, it’s one of Iowa’s great spectacles. In honor of the fair, here are some pictures we took there on a cloudy Saturday in 2009.

Crowds at the Iowa State Fair
Just over a million people visited the Iowa State Fair in 2009. We were there on one of its busiest days.

on-a-stick vendor
Things on a stick are a staple of every state fair; this is the booth of a conventional on-a-stick monger.

Chocolate covered bacon on a stick
On the other hand, one can also get exotic on-a-stick foods such as chocolate-covered bacon.

Deep-fried ravioli
Deep-fried ravioli is one of a few deep-fried options for vegetarians, along with vegetarian corn dogs and, of course, deep-fried Twinkies on a stick.

Miniature silky fainting goat
And then there are animals. This is a bad picture of a fainting goat, which I post mostly for the sake of this video.

These are prize-winning vegetables grown by 4-H students.

Butter cow
No tour of the Iowa State Fair is complete without at least a peek (and because of the crowds, that’s usually as much as one can get) at the butter cow.

More of my pictures from the 2009 Iowa State Fair can be found here.




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