“I want to be a train!”
For Halloween Gabriel first wanted to be a tiger. Then he wanted to be a lion, and then a tiger again. After a few more vacillations, he settled on a train. Two nights ago, I cobbled together supplies and began construction of this locomotive.
I finished construction around one o’clock this morning. When Gabriel woke and saw it, he said, “What’s that?”
“It’s your Halloween costume—a train!”
“It doesn’t have any cars.”
“No, it’s just a locomotive.”
Referring to the way those ubiquitous Thomas the Tank Engine trains—the ones at the library the kids always fight over—click together magnetically, he asked, “Can I click it?”
“There aren’t any other cars to click it to,” I said. “Do you want to try it on?”
And that’s how the morning ended. It might be how the evening goes too; we’ll see. Like last year, it may turn out that Halloween costumes don’t get worn until sometime in November. On the bright side, if he waits, we’ll have time to buy him an engineer’s hat.
After dinner he said, “I want M&Ms!”
“Only if you put your costume on,” I said.
“I’m not kidding! You have to put your costume on if you want any.”
And so…