Murder City Challenge Poll
Now that all entries for the Murder City Challenge are in, it’s time to select a winner. The ballot is a simple poll of each entry in the contest; the entry at the end of the voting period with the most votes wins signed copies of Charles Bowden’s books Murder City and The Sicario, courtesy of the author and Nation Books, and loads of respect from readers everywhere.
Because the poll (which is a Google Documents form) doesn’t have hyperlinks, for convenience’s sake, here are links to each of the entries:
- Jennifer Nielsen, “Bowden’s Murder City Choice”
- Jeremy Paden, untitled villanelle
- Nicholas Tozier, “Blood City Blues”
- Mark Dowdy & Felicia Fis, “Ciudad de Asesinatos”
Detailed directions for the poll follow.1 As with all Internet polls, this one is easy enough to cheat on, but please don’t. I want more eyes to see these writers’ work, not your eyes a thousand times. Instead, lobby for your favorite entry the comments, drum up support from your friends via your social networks, post links on your blogs. It’ll be more fun and more rewarding that way.
Polling has ended. Results will be posted soon.
1 The first version of this poll, which was live for a time, was more work than was necessary. I changed it to this simplified poll before anyone other than me had voted.