Eat Your Heart Out, Kevin Bacon
Even in its sunset years, modernity has moments of wonder. For example: Today, two friends from high school and college (married to each other) and their daughters, a friend from graduate school, and a friend from the Internet met for the first time in a café in Belgium. None had ever met previously; they first connected yesterday via social network. They sent a photo, which I can’t stop looking at. I consider it one of the most amazing meetings of my life, though it took place without me.

July 21, 2011
jeremy / Jul 21, 06:16 AM
so, if none had ever met, how did the two friends from h.s. marry and have children?
greg / Jul 21, 06:58 AM
The Lord works in mysterious ways, smartass.
July 22, 2011
Shaun / Jul 22, 08:07 AM
You are the hub around which this crazy world spins.
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