Some of my best friends are...
In 2008, after two years of failing to make a child organically, we learned the doom Kathy had already been feeling for more than a year was justified: I was diagnosed with male-factor infertility. Our only real chance to move forward would be in vitro fertilization. We couldn’t afford it; we couldn’t afford not to do it. One way we tried to work through that diagnosis, our anger, and our options was to start a secret infertility blog, “Less Than a Million.” This post and what comments from 2008 that are attached to it come from that blog.—gb
Yup, pregnant. What can I say about this that hasn’t already been said? Probably nothing. The nasty, evil, childless woman inside is even jealous of the ones who’ve previously suffered from infertility longer than we have…Now that’s just downright hateful.
But I’m off to focus on what a terrible person I am and to think about everything I should be writing for this blog but don’t have the heart to work on. And to hate myself for not job-hunting. And for the chocolate bar I just ate. And for the fact that I can be so self-absorbed when children are starving to death in Ethiopia and seven people in our state were killed by a tornado three days ago. You get the idea.
Damn PMS.

May 29, 2008
AOTexas / May 29, 01:00 AM
Please don\'t beat yourself up. It\'s so normal. It sucks you have to feel guilty about such a normal HUMAN reaction to a painful situation. Most all of us have been exactly there at one time or another. Last year both my sisters were unexpectedly pregnant. Definitely one of the most difficult times in my life. Thank goodness for counseling! Give yourself a break and have another chocolate bar - and maybe a shake. :)kathy / May 29, 10:21 AM
Thanks for the pep talk, AOTexas....I\'m currently experiencing work-related stress (to put it mildly), which is truly driving me mad and really making everything else feel so much worse.I\'m just waiting for the pregnancy announcement from my sister. So far, she\'s satisfying her maternal drive with a new puppy, thank god. :)
greg / May 29, 10:26 AM
Given his past history, wouldn\'t it be more likely for your sister\'s boyfriend/fiance/whatever to reveal he\'s knocked up someone besides your sister?kathy / May 29, 10:32 AM
Ha...Now that\'s just mean.But true nonetheless.
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