Greg Bales

In Which the Manner of My Death is Foreseen

I cannot complain about the fact that today, Iowa City temperatures reached 40ºF for the first time in months, but I can complain about the fact that it still gets cold enough at night for the snowmelt to freeze into thin sheets of banana-peel-slick ice. Twice this week I have fallen. My first fall happened a mile away from the house while I was walking Newton. I was just descending a rather steep hill when I stepped on an ice patch and went flying. Bruised my left arm and hip. Newton kept walking until he found something he could eat; then he waited until I got up and met him. I was actually talking to Jeremy P—— when it happened, and of course my phone hung up on him. When I called him back he said, “Oh, you actually fell?”

The second fall happened tonight, just outside the back door, when I was taking out the recycling. It was a similar slip: one step and down I went. Bruised my hand and cut my finger.

Both falls went unseen, which is kind of a shame. What good is a fall when no one is around to help—or to laugh?




March 12, 2010

Um, yeah, they say that falling to your death is a pretty bad way to go… and you were much more circumspect in this post than in the post where you put profanity in my mouth…

You were actually even more vulgar than I made you out to be—something something about hippos, I think?

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