Greg Bales

What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?

In 2008, after two years of failing to make a child organically, we learned the doom Kathy had already been feeling for more than a year was justified: I was diagnosed with male-factor infertility. Our only real chance to move forward would be in vitro fertilization. We couldn’t afford it; we couldn’t afford not to do it. One way we tried to work through that diagnosis, our anger, and our options was to start a secret infertility blog, “Less Than a Million.” This post and what comments from 2008 that are attached to it come from that blog.—gb

Sorry about the light posting. Work, a freelance job, and a novel—especially the novel—have taken over my time.



January 29, 2008

My excuse? My novel\'s bigger than yours.
Can a girl read too many novels? Has Northanger Abbey come true? Tune in later to find out!

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